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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Happy Halloween

We had a fun Halloween with a costume parade and party at school, followed by pumpkin carving and trick or treating with friends. Nate and I made Jackson and Delaney's costumes. I think they turned out pretty well for all materials coming from our garage, craft closet, or printed from the computer. Jackson was very excited to be the only Wall E at school. During the costume parade, one of our two-year-old friends tried to run out and hug him. Delaney enjoyed being Eve (using Eve's voice), but got tired of actually wearing the costume after a while.

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Jackson with carpool-mate Nadia. Nadia's mom, Alexia, is very creative and industrious and made this beautiful costume for Nadia. I believe she was the only Indian Princess at the costume parade also.

Here's the Drew puppy dog. The kids wanted to dress Drew as the cockroach from Wall E, but I just couldn't find it in me to dress the baby as a roach.

Here's Eve. "Directive."

The pumpkins...Jackson designed the jack-o-lantern on the pumpkin and Delaney designed the little pumpkin with the shapes cut out of it. Nate executed the designs beautifully, I think.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Very cute costumes.

I can completely understanding you wanting to nibble on your children. They are made from the highest quality and very best ingredients there could be. You have beautiful children... inside and out.

Nibble away....