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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Santa Monica Beach After Tym's Departure

This from Nate ("I", that is, is not Jen, rather "I" is Nate):

Jackson, Delaney, and I spent an hour at the Santa Monica Beach after dropping Aunt Tymmy at LAX, while Jen used the quiet time to work on a few scrapbook pages. More precisely, we were an hour on the beach, and an hour at the car afterwards drying off Jackson and shaking the sand out of Delaney's hair.

The sand you see on Delaney's hand and foot was a small fraction. Her favorite activity was literally rolling in the sand, traversing the beach. She also enjoyed finding little shells like the one she showed me for the picture.

While Jackson defied the ocean with hands on hips, it put him in his place a few times when he forgot to keep an eye out for the waves rolling in (smackdown!) or simply misjudged the size of the wave he was running towards (wha-bam!). Lesson learned: ALWAYS bring a bathing suit to the beach, even if you're "just going to get your feet wet." Oh, and include underwear in the set of dry clothes to change into.

The sun was setting as we rolled out of the parking lot, and I snapped this shot through the open car window as we paused to check it out.

Delaney was out before we hit the 405. Jackson, not so much.

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1 comment:

Double A's Mom said...

Very cool pictures! It was good to see you all yesterday!!