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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Headed Home....

I'm not sure this was an intentional pose, but it was too funny and I was fast enough with the camera, so there you have it....

On the way to Arizona, we blew a tire at 7 PM on a Saturday night 100 miles west of Phoenix. We were headed all the way to Tucson that night (so still another 200-250 miles to go.) Needless to say, it took us 4 hours to find a new tire and get it installed - we didn't want to drive on the spare the whole way. We were grateful that the trip back to CA only included long stops of our choosing and none due to car trouble. this particular stop of our own choosing included milkshakes from Denny's. Yum. Upon returning home, the kids immediately dressed up and ran around, enjoying being back in their own space. Here's a late snack after we got home.
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Unknown said...

Omg. She is the next top model, dude!

Jen said...

It leaves me a little terrified!