Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Okay, so before I post anymore pictures or stories of Drew or the rest of us, I have to take a moment to say how overwhelmed and grateful I am. Our friends and family have been so amazing in support of Drew and our changing family. Where to even start?

Before Drew arrived.....I had turned down offers of a baby shower because I felt so richly blessed already. We already had two children and had been showered with love and gifts with each of them - shouldn't that be enough? No....not according to my gracious friends! Two different groups of friends gave Drew (and me) surprise showers - my Bunco group and friends from base (Chapel and TPS). I was so clueless in both cases. At Bunco, there were Baby Shower decorations up and I actually wondered who else the hostess knew who was having a baby and wondering when the shower would be and if it was someone I knew! The Base Shower was set up as a Children's Ministry meeting - I showed up with my box of "stuff" to hand off to someone. I even baked cookies for the meeting. I know some pretty thoughtful people!

And now, cards and gifts have started arriving in the mail - it moves me each time that someone would think of us and go out of their way to share this joy with us. So many phone calls and emails too! The spouses/families from Nate's office even gave us a huge basket of baby goodies in Drew's room colors!

And the help we've received....where to start? My parents were here for three weeks, awaiting Drew's arrival. While waiting they babysat, weeded, painted projects, sewed, cooked, cleaned, made Jackson and Delaney feel special, bought groceries, and generally helped out. As they left, my mother-in-law came in town and did more of the same. And then Nate's sister, Tymaree, showed up for more. my mom will be back in a few days. My carpool partner has taken on all of the driving responsibilities, including picking up our weekly organic produce. She also made Drew a lovely quilt. Speaking of lovely sewn projects - my mom made all of the bedding and curtains for Drew (with help/input from neighbor Marie and Aunt Toonie) and my mother-in-law made custom art to go with it! Then there are the friends, who at the drop of a hat, watched Jackson and Delaney or offered to watch them.

I feel so blessed!

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