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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse (of the heart?)

Okay, so I truly can't say the word "eclipse" without hearing "Turn around bright eyes. Every now and then I fall apart. And I need you more tonight..." If you know the song, you know the rest and now this will affect you too! Well, it was not a total eclipse of the heart, but it was a total eclipse of the moon. Thanks to my friend Alexia for tipping me off to the event.
So here's my attempt at capturing the lunar eclipse tonight. Not bad for no tri-pod. I have a tripod, I just couldn't find the piece that connects the camera to the tripod. It's probably a victim of the move. Time will tell.
The kids has a great time looking at the moon through binoculars and watching the Earth's shadow move over the moon. Jackson was a little concerned about when the moon would have the "right light" again. Delaney mainly thinks the binoculars are cool. Posted by Picasa

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