Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


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So here's the deal....when Drew is happy, he is happy AND absolutely delightful and sweet. Like "could I really be enjoying more today than yesterday? I thought I had maxed out on how much I could love you and adore you yesterday but clearly you're setting a new, higher level today." sweet. Know what I mean? Here's a drippy, wet bath boy. He loves his bath. He tries to squirm out of my arms into the bathtub as soon as I set it down. He splashes, squeals, and explores all facets of his little tub.
The reverse is also true....when Drew is NOT happy, he is NOT HAPPY and you will be aware of it and reminded. I sometimes take pictures of him screaming. Is that wrong? I'm a little conflicted about posting these pictures though.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Lucy was(and is) the same way. Happiest most contented baby, but could let the pipes do the job if she was dissatisfied. And returned to happiness just as quickly. My parents' puppy nipped her and she howled - five minutes later I said, "Lucy, are you sad about the puppy biting you?" and she said, "I'm happy!"